Friday, October 05, 2007

Have I been wrong???!!

Damn it! Is it my own fault that I talk before I think or is it the way my voice sound that people mistake me for my words??!!

Oh man! Its like back to my damn poly days in the 1st year when I was still very green after leaving the comfort of an all guy's school. It seems that some people really see and hear words and interpret things with a different meaning. Sigh! Now I'm in a deep deep shit all over again. When I want to be the real me, people always seems to be offended with me. When I don't be myself, people say I'm fake and should try to be myself. WTF!!! The world is really contradicting itself in a way but that is the reality. You get accused of being a hypocrite but the person saying you does not know that he/she is one themself.

I blog again later. now starting to be bz.


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